«Text recognition» module

The «Recognition text» module is intended for reading text from a specified image and for representing the resulting text in XML format.

Module interface

The module consists of two fields – «File path» and «Variable», and the «Screenshot» checkbox.


The «File path» field. The field is filled with the direction to the file you need to recognise. This can be a picture or a pdf document.

The «Variable» field. The field is filled with the name of the variable starting with «@» in which the recognition result will be placed.

The «Screenshot» checkbox. The checkbox is checked when it is necessary to recognize a screenshot of the screen at the time of operation of this module during the execution of the robot. In this case you don't need to specify the «File path». ## EXAMPLE

Let's say we have the following .jpeg image. We submit it to the text recognition module.


The result that is put into the variable:


The result contains information about the pages, the coordinate and the meaning of each word in the image.